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Metalcore: the duality of a genre


Today, in this post, I’m gonna talk about a genre I specially love : METALCORE !


Although you may fear the name, you will discover that there is something for everyone! And I would even say, you might like some songs!

So let’s go! I take you to the discovery of this kind that has made much talk of him throughout his existence!

DISCLAIMER: This post is based on some of my knowledge and is backed up and supplemented by research done before its writing. You can find the sources at the bottom of the page.
Note: Bands/ artists I quote in the posts, I only mention them to give you an idea of the sounds you find in the different genres. But I want to be clear that over time it has become more and more complicated to do it with style blends and so on.
In addition, my goal is not to categorize artists, but to present them to you so that you discover the different possibilities that there are in rock and metal. And even make you enjoy those genres.


Metalcore is a musical genre that appeared in the mid-1980s, but whose development is «in waves». There will be a new wave about every 10 years.

I’m using “wave” to talk about success, but also about style evolution. Because yes, the genre at its beginning is different from what you can hear today.

The metalcore wave of the 1980-1990 remain more or less marginal. It’s from the 2000s that the genre will really know commercial success.

But we can also say today that it is a genre in which we put many bands with totally different sounds. It’s a very accessible style of metal.


Metalcore is directly linked to two styles: metal and hardcore or hardcore punk. Hence its metalcore name. But we can see other influences like trash or death/ melodic death metal.

Then, with the evolution of the genre, you can find a little of any influence: electro, nu-metal, black metal, pop etc.

I’d say, there are as many influences as there are artists.


Metalcore is an almost permanent duality in all fields.

Music and instrumentation

In metalcore, we use very heavy riffs, well-saturated. And for the drum, the double bass drum/ double pedal is required.

Guitars are often tuned in drop D or C, but bands can totally change the tuning.

Melodies fluctuate, passing from calm moments to intense ones. Not to mention a key element of the genre: BREAKDOWNS (I explained what it is in this post). This promotes the practice of moshing.

Legato, staccato, and palm mute are widely used.

Then, with time, the genre became more and more free about the melody and the instruments used.

Definition :

Legato: A technique used to bind successive notes so that there is no silence between them. This technique gives an impression of fluidity. (source: Acadezic)

Staccato: A technique that indicates that the notes must be executed clearly detached. (source: Larousse translated)

Palm Mute: Technique used on guitar to create a muted sound effect with the slice of the palm of the hand on the strings.

Moshing: comes from the word mosh. It is a type of dance, derived from pogo, more or less violent linked to hardcore punk and metal.

Bands formation

We can already mention the basics:

  • guitar(s),
  • song,
  • bass,
  • battery.

Although some bands leave the bass to replace it with a guitar.

But we can also find:

  • A synthesizer or keytar (mix between a guitar and a synth)
  • The presence of a classical orchestra or instruments
  • A rhythm box
  • Etc.


You can also find this duality that I mentioned earlier in the singing.
While at first, the saturation usage was total, it changes over time. We can see that at one period the verses were sung in saturation mode and the choruses with clear voice.

Now, there are no more rules. You can find songs totally with “clean” singing, totally with saturation, or with both.

In a future post, I will explain the different types of vocals used in rock and metal.


For this one, we find the same themes as in the influences genres. So we hear lyrics about personal problems and societal/political problems.

It should also be noted that members of metalcore bands are Christian or vegan, and this is reflected in their lyrics as well.


In the beginning, we can mention: Corrosion of Conformity, Dirty Rotten, Agnostic Front ou Suicidal Tendencies

Then, we can find: Integrity, Converge, Starkweather, Earth Crisis

After that, from the 2000s, we can add Killswitch Engage, Shadows Fall, All That Remains, Bring Me The Horizon, As I Lay Dying, August Burns Red, Parkway Drive, Bullet For My Valentine, Underoath, Asking Alexandria, Architects, Motionless In White, Spiritbox, Trivium, Avenged Sevenfold, A Day to Remember, Beartooth, Of Mice & Men, Miss May I, Bad Omens


Metalcore has not declined. It’s the opposite!

Initially, this genre was much criticized and misunderstood by the metal community. But over time, it became a major genre and much less criticized. For reasons, the gender is much more diverse than at the beginning.

In addition, metalcore will create subgenres such as deathcore, mathcore, …

Here it is, for this very diverse genre, both in terms of its sound and its evolution.

You can find the playlist dedicated right here !

Feel free to share this post if you liked it or comment.

Also, you can see all the drawings / caricatures right here !

See you soon !

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Sources :

Une Histoire Musicale du Rock – Christophe Pirenne

Discogs – Metalcore :

L’éclaireur Fnac – Metalcore : quand le hardcore rencontre le metal ! – Mathieu M. :

Liveaboutdotcom – What Is metalcore ? – Chad Bowar :

Legato – définition – Acadezik :

Metalliquoi ? – épisode 31 : Le Metalcore :


Claire Abe

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