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Nu-metal : everything you need to know about it

Ah, nu-metal !

Loved and hated at the same time, this genre is nevertheless important for the rest of the history of metal.

Let’s dive back together into the genre I grew up with 😉

DISCLAIMER: This post is based on some of my knowledge and is backed up and supplemented by research done before its writing. You can find the sources at the bottom of the page.
Note: Bands/ artists I quote in the posts, I only mention them to give you an idea of the sounds you find in the different genres. But I want to be clear that over time it has become more and more complicated to do it with style blends and so on.
In addition, my goal is not to categorize artists, but to present them to you so that you discover the different possibilities that there are in rock and metal. And even make you enjoy those genres.


Nu metal, also known as new metal or neo-metal in French, is a kind of metal (no joke!) derived from alternative metal. I would even say that it is part of alternative metal. It appeared in 1994 and is characterized by a fusion of genres. We find in particular hip-hop, alternative rock, funk, or grunge.

It will make it possible to put heavy metal back in the spotlight in the years 1990-2000. It is also one of the key elements of the new wave of American heavy metal.

Moreover, many artists “put” in this category hated to be named as a nu-metal band. Over time, some have gotten used to it, others still do not understand the why of how. It must be said that, I have a bit of the impression that bands that appeared and that were starting to be successful by bringing their influences of different genres, etc. were directly classified in nu-metal and no more in alternative metal.


We can see different “events” that led to the creation of nu-metal.

The first mix

In 1986, Aerosmith and Run-DMC took over the song Walk This Way. This will be the first time a rock band will collaborate with a rap group.

Caricature Aerosmith

Groups influencing nu-metal

The artists cited as influences of the genre include:

Red hot Chilli Peppers, Machine Head, Faith No More, Jane’s Addiction, Rage Against the Machine, Helmet, Primus, or Nine inch Nails.

But we can also mention, as an influence, the duet made by Anthrax and Public Ennemy on Bring The Noise in 1991.

Caricature Anthrax

The first nu-metal band

It is with Korn, that appears the nu metal! Their first eponymous album lays the foundations of the genre. However, it is with their 3rd album Follow The Leader that they become «known». (It’s on this one that appears the Freak on the Leash, All In The Familly, or Got The Life tracks).

Caricature Korn, nu-metal

Other groups will follow their path like Slipknot, Limp Bizkit, Linkin’ Park, P.O.D, Deftones, Kittie, Mudvayne, Incubus, Evanescence, Drowing Pool, System of a Down, Papa Roach, Pleymo, Disturbed and more.

PS: Many bands did not consider themselves to be part of nu-metal. Over time, some have “appropriated” it and others still don’t understand the connection.



The 7-string guitar spread and became the norm in nu-metal. Moreover, these are mostly tuned in Drop D to have a heavier sound. Also, it is common to use 5-6 string bass.

Note :
Drop D is a type of guitar tuning that belongs to the open chord category. In this case, it consists of lowering the E string (the bigger one) by one tone to reach D.
Open chord: tuning technique of a string instrument (usually the guitar) where the strings are tuned differently from the standard tuning. In a simpler way, an open chord is a tuning that simplifies the finger position of a chord.

Rhythmics and melodies

The rhythm presents syncopated riffs, the measure is still in 4/4, and we can also see the omnipresence of power chords with distortion.
Bands generally use Dorian, Phrygian, and Aeolien modes.

Also, there are not many guitar solos, bands prefer the use of breakdowns.

Sometimes a DJ is present in the band and integrates sampling and scratch on platinum.

Mode: A mode, is a scale started from a different note than the one it has “originally”. To put it another way, a mode is obtained from the moment when a scale is started by something other than its tonic. Dorian mode starts at the second of a scale, Phrygian mode starts at the third and Aeolien mode at the sixth. So if we take the C scale, the Dorian mode starts at D, the Phrygian mode at E and the Aeolien mode at La.

Breakdown: A breakdown is a part of a song where the rhythm is at least 2 times slower than the rhythm of the rest of the song. It is usually preceded by an instrument that “builds the pressure” and leads to breakdown.

Sampling: Sampling is the digitization of sound documents or samples, carried out at regular intervals using a sampler and integrated them into a (other) musical work.

Scratch on platinum: Musical technique appeared with rap around 1980. Consists of placing a vinyl record on a turntable and moving the reading arm back and forth along the groove to obtain a sound scribble.


Lyrics are often direct and explicit. Themes are often very dark. It includes pain, anxiety, intimidation, emotional problems, abandonment, betrayal, hatred, and everything related to it.


Nu metal began to fade out in the mid-2000s. However, many such groups still occur today because they have renewed and changed their trajectories.

In fact, many of them are now considered alternative metal or modern metal bands


Even though the movement has been off for some time, there is a renewed interest in nu-metal at the moment. That’s to say, how HUGE its impact is! And it’s not exaggerated. I would to say that all the current metal bands and even some rappers have been inspired by this genre.

So if you want to remember what that style was, you can listen to the post playlist right here.

Feel free to share as much a maximum if you liked it or think it might interest someone you know.

Also, you can see all the drawings / caricatures right here !

See you soon !

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Sources :

Une Histoire Musicale du Rock – Christophe Pirenne


Stringfixer :

Before Korn: How Nu Metal Became Nu Metal – thrash theory:

Encyclopé :

Composer sa musique- Les modes en musique (1/4): Qu’est ce qu’un mode et à quoi ça sert ? : 

Batteur sans limite – 2 changements rythmiques pour faire exploser une chanson (Breakdown) – Aurélien :

Le Parisien :

Bax Music – blog :

Larousse – scratching : 

Claire Abe

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