Today we’re gonna talk about STEREOTYPES!
We’ll see that Rock and Metal are full of them. And all rockers and metalheads are faced with it one day or another (or several in fact).
To do this, I saw the top prejudices/ stereotypes most common on other blogs and websites. Below, I have put them together and give you my opinion on the matter.
So, let’s examine together these clichés a little (a lot?) exasperating and/or funny!
Disclaimer :If you are under 16, I advise you not to read the article. It deals with subjects that are not recommended at your age. |
What is a stereotype?

Let’s start with the basics and remember what a stereotype is.
In the Cambridge Dictionary, it’s “a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong”
So we agree on what a stereotype is and we can move on. And get ready because there are MANY! But here, I only give you 10.
Rock and Metal stereotypes
1. “Metal is all noise and screaming!”
So, yes there are songs or bands that can be defined this way, but it is a generality. And besides, we can bring this stereotype closer to metal than to rock (except maybe hard rock). I see it that way.
In addition, we find ballads or songs «more soft» or songs with a «clean» vocal technique in most rock and metal genres.
I’ll put a little playlist right here.
Afterward, it’s also a question of what do you mean by noise? Because I can tell you the same thing when I listen to a techno song…
2. «Rockers and metalheads are satanists! Vade retro Satanas!»
I think I’ve heard it all over the place. Whether it’s on TV, in newspapers, or people on the street. To be honest, I don’t know if I should laugh or cry when I hear that.
I will not dwell on this point in this post. If you want to know all about it, I made one about it that you can read by clicking on this link.
3. “Those who listen to this kind of music are depressed!”
According to several surveys, people listening to metal… are less depressed than average.
We can listen to extreme music to empty ourselves of all the aggression and anger that we have in order to be calmer. Also, you can listen to it to express/release feelings you can’t put words on.
The subjects addressed in these genres of music are often heavy, painful, even taboo. They don’t sell you rainbows, sequins, and “all is well in the best of the world”. They tell you, yes, there are situations that are more than shitty, but that you can get away with it, as they did.
So yes, I’m not going to lie to you, people with depression can turn to metal and start liking this genre. We respect them, and we support them in their fight, but not everyone is depressed. And if extreme music does them well, then it’s great!
If you suffer from depression or other mental illness, centers and associations exist if you wish. I know it’s cliché, but talking about it is the first step. Even if it’s complicated, to talk to someone you trust helps. |
4. «Rock and metal bands incite to suicide»
We all know the phenomenon where several people in the media have said that, when we play the songs of rock and metal bands backwards, we hear incentives to satanism or suicide. I talked a bit about it during the satanic panic in this post.
But it can’t be any more wrong (except for black metal, but in this case, you don’t even have to hear it backwards). The topics of suicide and even mental illness (depression, bipolar disorder, etc.) are at the heart of some lyrics or the artists talk about it in interviews. In fact, some have faced it themselves.
This subject is even more present in recent years, after the suicides of well known artists such as Chris Cornell (Soundgarden/Audioslave/Temple Of The Dog), Chester Bennington (Linkin Park) and more.
After that, death is definitely a recurring subject in rock and metal.
5.”Rock and metal are macho movements!”
So on that point, I’m going to be more divided than some people who will say, “No, rock and metal is a big community that includes everybody, including women and so on.”
And this for several points:
- At the beginning of certain genres, very dominated by men, songs had machist lyrics, especially in heavy metal or glam metal. It calmed down with time and the group appearance with women, but I still wanted to note it.
- Female members of rock/metal bands had to fight to prove that they are as good as men. I think particularly of an interview of Lzzy Hale (singer and guitarist of Halestorm) with Maria Brink (singer of In This Moment) and Ashley Costello (singer of New Years Day) where the first one told that she was taken either for the girlfriend of a member of the band, or for a groupie. Maria Brink, for her part, recounted the time, when in front of hundreds of men began to shout to her «show us your breasts!» Charming, don’t you think!
- Finally, a few years ago (+/- 5 years), a venue was in controversy because they refused to let a band with a woman on its stage because «women are not as good at rock and metal as men».
So yes, a lot of mentality changed, and for the better! A large proportion of men (I hope) understood that a person’s gender mattered little, compared to his talent. But there will always be people who have a backward, macho, patriarchal way of thinking.
6. «Rockers and metalheads are violent»
If you have read the article carefully so far, you already know the answer.
Extreme music actually has the opposite effect. The energy and “violence” of the songs helps to relieve tension, anger or other negative emotions. A study has also shown that those who listen to this kind of music are generally calmer.
So instead of trying to beat up your neighbor because he put music to the max at 7:00 am (yes, I speak from experience), listen to Lorna Shore (or another metal band) and:
- 1, you avoid prison,
- 2, you’ll feel better and
- 3, you can listen to it thoroughly to annoy him in return! 😉
Now, that doesn’t stop us from having assholes and violent people in every community.
7. “Rockers and metalheads all look alike! They wear black, skulls, tattoos, guys have long hair, etc.”

It ‘s true that some people take their look very seriously and you can see it if you type «rock look», «gothic look», etc. on the internet. And as long as they like it, it’s cool! No judgements here. I even admire the work and the details that some people bring to their appearance.
But to say that all rockers or metalheads are alike, is to (re)make a generality.
Everyone dresses and adopts the appearance they want! So yes, you can see perfectos, artist merchs, or patch jackets, among others, but it’s not mandatory.
And for guys, long hair is not mandatory either. It’s a matter of preference. Also:
- We find men with long hair out of the rock and metal fields,
- And many male rock/metal artists have short hair. That doesn’t stop them from headbanging 😉
I’ll take my case (because it’s the one I know best lol).
I’ve been told several times that I don’t look like a rocker/metalhead.
And that suits me! Better yet, I like the idea of not conforming to preconceived ideas. I like the saying «not to judge a book on its cover». So yes, I have pieces that look rock/metal, yes, I often dress in black (because I LOVE black) and I have tattoos, but it’s not written on my face either that I like these musical genres. (Unless you meet me and read the blog then, you know 😉)
So be yourself, this is the most important thing. And those who tell you otherwise, throw them away.
By the way, I’m sure you can find CEOs and other people you wouldn’t believe rockers/metalheads about their appearance at this kind of concert.
8.«They have orgies, etc.”
So I saw this point several times, and at first, I didn’t understand why. And then I had the click:
- First, I repeat, a majority of rockers and metal players are not satanists! So no night orgies for any reason.
- Second, the mediatized setbacks of certain celebrities of these genres, do not represent the practices of those who listen to them!
All right, that is said. In addition, people who do not listen at all to these musical genres participate in orgies, so it is more a matter of preferences than anything else.
Everything that has to do with the intimate life of a person, concerns only that person. In no case do we or his musical preferences. So everyone does what they want, whatever they want, but it has nothing to do with music.
Then I see you coming up with “Yes, but what do you do with Sex, Drugs and Rock n’ Roll” or “Yes, but there are videos that can approve this kind of practice”, etc.
I would say that, since it makes people react, they will necessarily rush into the breach and provoke. Because rock and metal LOVE to provoke, to make people think. So, they will use it as an artistic base.
Then, if you really want to know what artists have in mind for this or that, I suggest you go and ask them directly 😊.
9. «Rockers and metalheads only listen to rock and metal!»
Some yes, some no. As with most things, it depends on the person.
Some people only listen to one style of metal or rock, others only to several or all styles of rock and metal, and others listen to a bit of everything.
Personally, I also listen to jazz, blues, soul, musicals, classical music/opera, variety, pop, folk, indie, and country. But I always come back to rock and metal because they are my favorite genres.
10. “We don’t understand anything they say!”
I have to admit that sometimes I myself don’t understand what some groups are saying (without having the lyrics in front of me). But, it is in relation to the techniques that singers use.
For extreme songs, articulation is key, but distortion plays on the comprehension of words. However, if you listen to rock/metal songs with «clean» vocals, you will understand all the lyrics. I’ll explain to you everything about those singing technics in a next post!

Here we are at the end of this list! Tell me as a comment if you have ever faced these prejudices/stereotypes or if you have faced others.
Feel free to share the post a maximum in order to «educate» a good number of people.
See you soon for a new post!
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Sources :
Larousse – définition préjugé : https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/francais/pr%C3%A9jug%C3%A9/63519
Crane Faction – top 20 des clichés sur les metalleux : https://crane-faction.com/blogs/blog-tete-de-mort/cliches-metalleux
Topito – top 8 des idées reçues sur le metal, ils sont tous satanistes les mecs – tomasg : https://www.topito.com/top-idees-recues-metal
Bravo les (contre) clichés : http://rock-metal-luxiferum.over-blog.com/pages/Bravo_les_contre_cliches-7210353.html
France Inter – Quand la science se penche sur la musique metal : https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/l-edito-carre/quand-la-science-se-penche-sur-la-musique-metal-4242980
Urbania – Pourquoi écouter du metal améliore ma santé mentale – Sébastien Jean : https://urbania.ca/article/pourquoi-ecouter-du-metal-aide-ma-sante-mentale
La musique métal vous rend plus calme ? – Beth Roar (EN) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPL6SxdgYEs