Howdy !
Welcome to this special and spicy Valentine’s Day post.
If you are an observer, you already know that if you are under 18, it is more than advisable that you do not read this.
Well now that we are BETWEEN ADULTS, there’s obviously a somewhat controversial topic that I will discuss on this blog directly related to rock and metal, which goes very well for this event. It’s one of the most «risky» topics that I will do on this blog.
*Drum roll to try to do a minimum of suspense even if you have already read the title of the post*
It’s well known: Sex, Drugs and Rock N’ Roll baby ! 😜
The subject of sex/sexuality is both taboo and very present in today’s society. And this same subject is present from the beginning of rock and metal music.
That’s why today, we will see the place of sex, sexuality in rock and metal!
So, let’s enter a world where all musical fantasies can come true!
I write this based by my own opinion. |
I want to make it clear that everyone has their own tastes and preferences in this area. I respect that. If certain topics in this article are sensitive to you, you can leave whenever you want. Everyone is free to do what he wants. Also, since we are going to talk about sex here, it is always nice to remember that the first and most essential step is CONSENT. I put it here. |


Good question, right ?
Well, when you think back in the ’50s, Elvis Presley’s hip sway or Jerry Lee Lewis singing Great Balls of Fire drove hordes of young women crazy (young women including maybe your grandmother, your great-grandmother or your mother – I do not know your age 😉) you can tell yourself that from the beginning sex is involved in this. Whether in words or gestures.
Then as it shocked the parents, etc., and that rock is about rebellion, loving to provoke, I recall, well, it was certain that it would be one of the big elements of the genre. Well today it certainly makes you laugh to know that Elvis embodied sex when you see where we arrived, but it was a very different time.
Now, when we think about some bands, we also think about the strip club, etc., it’s part of the imagery of the bands and also a little bit of rock and metal. I think of glam metal bands that were famous for that.
And more than that, today you can find very sexually explicit video clips where orgies and bdsm practice mix. Now, not all rock and metal bands make these kinds of videos either.
For me, it’s still in metal where the imagery of sex has evolved and started to take a little more space. Although now the boundary between rock and metal is very blurred.
As said before, it shocks, it provokes, everything rock and metal love.
But on the other hand, it helps to accept that part of us. Or even help us develop it.
Because, as a reminder, it is a primary need of the human being to have sexual relations, since at the beginning (a long time ago) it was mainly to ensure the survival of the species. Now, things have changed a little, but the basis is there. 😉
Then, after a century of programming people to say that «sex is bad», «no sex before marriage especially» and other very patriarchal kinds of things that I will not debate here, well, when people have desires that are more or less off the beaten track (It must be said that already at a certain time assume his sexual desire was already taboo, so it is not necessary to go very far), some of them feel discomfort. And that’s where rock and metal come in and say, “Hey, it’s okay. You’re not alone.”
The integration of sexual imagery is one of the reasons why rock and metal bands were considered «satanistic»; simply because they had rather explicit lyrics.
Moreover, the excesses of certain personalities have contributed to rock and metal being seen as a very sexualized genre.
And finally, sex sells. And for centuries…

I think so.
We can find sexy songs for all preferences, in all genres.
Whether with very sensual sounds, a sensual voice or lyrics more than explicit on the fantasies of each other.
Or artists who assume their sexual orientations perfectly. There is a spokesperson for everyone.

Also, for the anecdote, in some songs, we can hear moans more than explicit, simulated, or real. If you are interested, I put you the link to an article that lists them right here.

Of course, when you arrive in the rock and metal world, you can ask yourself the question (I never asked myself this, but I can understand that some do).
With the influence of punk and gothic: we have a mixture of leather, latex (and other fetish clothes) of punk and lace, the darkness of gothic. This perfectly describes the caricature of the guy/ or girl practicing BDSM. But that’s the image you get when you don’t know rock/metal or BDSM.
When you add to that videos of the type of Whore of In This Moment with wips, masks, and sexy outfits, the very famous Closer of Nine Inch Nails (then covered by In This Moment), and everything that there is between with very intense sounds, some, unfortunately, will not think further and will link the two directly.
Let’s dot the i’s and cross the t’s: it is not because you listen to rock and metal that you are necessarily an arduous practitioner of BDSM. Let us stop the nonsense. That being the case, I am not saying that some people are not attracted to this practice.
It’s always the same story, everyone does what he wants, when he wants, and with whom he wants (always with consent of course).
I will stop here for now because there would be a lot to cover and while writing all this, I think that it can be a good subject for a future post. 😝
Rock and metal have always been linked to various scandals more or less important (and more or less true, we know how the tabloids can invent a lot of things to sell).
Although the rock and metal scene is generally benevolent, there are still exceptions, unfortunately. As in all music genres.
For a few years now, we have seen well-known rock and metal artists accused of sexual harassment or even rape.
Fans are not left out, either. Some time ago, the same kind of scandal was related to major metal festivals. So moral things, always be careful! It’s a matter of person and not of genre of music. 😕
We come to the end of this special Valentine’s Day post. I have prepared a playlist specifically for the occasion, which you can find below. And believe it, we have experts in sexy songs!
PS: Even if you’re single, it’s always nice to have music to get in the mood 😉
See you soon for another post!
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