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Subjects that I won’t talk about on this blog


First, I wish you a happy and wonderful New Year (I write this at the end of January 2024. Normally, we can wish it all of January, so logically, I’m not late).

Today, we meet for a special post.

In this one, I will be transparent and explain the topics related to rock or metal that I will not discuss on the blog (or in a very distant future because you should never say ever).

Because although I am open-minded, some subjects are, from my point of view, very complicated to talk about.

So let’s get started!

Yes, it’s a very complicated subject from my point of view. Let me explain why:

It’s a very personal subject. It’s directly related to a person’s values. And, we are billions on this planet to have values either similar or different. I have my vision of things, it doesn’t mean you have the same vision as mine. And I respect that. But if I write a post on this subject, that I remain as neutral as possible, I can be criticized for not having an opinion.

And in the objectives of this blog, I wish to gather around rock and metal music, to create a safe space where everyone can have the opinions they want and be respected as much as their neighbor. Because all that matters here is music.

This is the logical continuation and for similar reasons to the previous point.

Then you can tell me «Yes, but you did a post on satanism, blah blah blah».

Yes, I did. Because this is one of the most frequent topics concerning rock and metal. But everyone has the religion he wants (or does not have any, always at choice).

And although there are genres with a religion in it (I think of Christian rock and metal), after reflection, I do not know if I will write on it or if I do, I will remain very superficial.

And at last,

We can see on different blogs, etc., many reviews of albums and songs of recent artists (or not). I don’t see myself doing that. For several reasons:

  1. I did not study music (apart from guitar lessons and singing lessons). When I speak of musical studies, I speak of conservatory or musicology studies. And for this, I cannot properly analyze a musical work, if I don’t have a certain base of deep knowledge of music.

2. The complexity of analyzing pieces with neutrality. Because the goal is still to be as impartial as possible (well, that’s my opinion). But if you don’t like what you’re listening to, it’s harder to find positive things and vice versa. If you love the band you need to analyze, you may lack objectivity about what could be improved.

3. It releases a lot of new songs/albums at every moment, and I have parallel projects that are close to my heart as well. So I don’t want to prioritize listening to musical works over things I’m passionate about… like singing.

I leave that part to qualified people in that area.

Here is the list of topics that will not appear on this blog (or maybe in 50 years lol).

Hoping that you have understood that here respect for everyone and sharing are key. As well as a minimum of quality on what I make you discover. And that it is these reasons that make me avoid these subjects.

I wish you a beautiful day (or night, or evening – I don’t know when you’ll read this).

See you soon !

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