Hey !
It’s been two years now (as I write this post) that I talk to you about the different genres of rock and metal that exist and I try to bring you their main characteristics.
With the objective you can better distinguish the work behind those, and to make you discover (or rediscover) the different facets of rock and metal.
I told you about the birth of rock, the birth of metal but what about these genres today?
That’s exactly what we’re gonna talk about right below!
I write this from my point of view only. I respect any other opinion on the subject, I only ask for reciprocity. Everyone has their own opinions. |

Although both still exist nowadays, for most are still far from the mainstream; the limit between both genres is increasingly blurred.
Indeed, rock and metal are more and more alike. For good reason, rock artists are inspired by metal artists and vice versa. Guitar distortion is common. The use of the double pedal on the drums is also much more present.
One of the only differences is perhaps the form of the songs, more traditional in rock and freestyle in metal. But again, there may be exceptions.
It’s getting harder and harder to differentiate between rock, metal and all subgenres. I’ll tell you what’s causing it for me.
It’s been several years since I often find metal artists in the playlists dedicated to rock when I do research for my playlists.
So it can be cool to make people discover different genres (I do it for my subscribers’ playlists) but I think of people who only like rock.
Some may not understand why there are “heavy” titles in these playlists. In addition, others may turn away from the genre because they think it is moving in that direction. While there are always, and even more different rock styles.

I already talked a bit about the influence of metal artists on rock artists (and vice versa). But there is also the influence of other genres. With all these diverse and varied influences, it’s complicated to categorize groups in a single genre. In addition, a band can have several influences and spread them in different titles or albums. This results in a group having multiple sounds on their own. Ultimately, an artist/band can easily fit into different genres and subgenres of rock and metal.
This fact is becoming more common today.
This point is, for me, the most important.
When you pass on the dark side of the force, like me and many others; that is to say when you start listening to more extreme metal like some metalcore bands, death/ deathcore, black metal, etc.; you realize at some point that rock, hard rock and the like… it’s calm in comparison.
Careful, don’t make me say what I didn’t say. It’s great, but it’s calm.
So if I take my example, some of the songs categorized in rock are for me either pop rock, or electro/ independent music with saturated guitars. Or other things that don’t cross my mind now. But I don’t question the artists’ work in any way.
This leads me to say that the perception of heavy music or not also comes down to what the listener perceives. And that’s where a lot of confusion occurs.
Debates are emerging because of this. For example, some people wonder if Ghost is a metal band, but when we go back in time, in the 80s, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, and others were considered metal bands (glam metal).
……. Note : For the anecdote, writing this text, I checked what Google said about Bon Jovi and Ghost: – Bon Jovi is in 5 different categories: Hard rock, glam metal, arena rock, pop rock, pop metal. – Ghost is in 6 different categories: Hard rock, heavy metal, doom metal, progressive rock, psychedelic rock, pop rock, You see the confusion, a band can be both in rock and metal and in several subgenres of both. …….. |
With the evolution of extreme music, I think for some metal standards have changed with it. And with, some bands formerly considered metal, fell more into the «old school» hard rock/ heavy metal .
And, I remind you, this is entirely subjective to people.

Yes and no.
Yes, because by knowing the basic characteristics of the genres, you can:
- Directed you towards a kind of music that you want, and discover the universe that goes with it,
- As a musician, you can draw inspiration from these «codes» to be able to make a title/ a work influenced by the genre you want.
Now, generally speaking, I am for doing what you want, when you want, with what you want, and not categorizing anything or anyone. Always with respect of course 😉
And if you want to make one day a rock song, and the next day a metal song, go for it!
So I am very mixed on this subject.
That’s why, at the beginning of each article I specify that I «categorize» to give you an idea of the style but that each artist/ group is free to do what he wants.

I had to talk about it at some point. This topic divides a lot of people.
Today, there are more and more bands or people using AI (artificial intelligence) to create works in the world of rock and metal. Whether they are bands that revive deceased members or fans who make their favorite artists sing songs they have never sung. Or bands using it for their music videos or album art, etc.
From my perspective, AI can be helpful… but NOT in music and I will even add: NOT in the artistic field in general or very little (I don’t know if this technology is used in special effects or other very USEFUL things).
For me, whether composing, singing, or even drawing, the human aspect must remain. All these examples have a soul, an emotion that AI will not equal.
AI and singing
In terms of using artist voice:
- First, using the voice of deceased artists will not bring them back and I find it a bit dishonest. We don’t know if the artist in question would have wanted that or not.
- Second, for those living, there’s the right to use the voice to take into account.
Only I find it absurd/ disturbing that we can make anyone talk by making them say what we want? - And then by using that, artists no longer need to do anything, and thus, end up «unemployed». Which is a shame because, for me (and I’m sure I’m not the only one), the emotion that a person gives off when singing is important.
Moreover, it is an art to sing (or scream), it’s something you learn ;p
AI and music/ composition
The same goes for composing music. Anyone can compose their music (it can be positive) but the instruments and the practice of these, what do we do? That’s the beauty of a title. Even imperfections make the work unique and beautiful.
And we talk about the theft of artists’ art on socials to create AI works?
Restrictions and other things have been established to inform and delineate the use of AI which is a good start. Now, we’re not safe from dishonest people.
I am sure that the latter can do great things in different areas, but in art, the human should remain master.
Besides, I did not listen to the releases that used IA and I watched ONE video made with it and I did not like it so, my opinion remains the same, for the moment at least.
To be honest, I added this part after listening to a video on Youtube of Rockfeed with Ronnie Radkie (a very interesting video by the way, that I put you here if you are interested). And in my opinion, much (if not most) of what is said is right.
Society and people’s mentality have changed over the last few years. So I will not say that everyone is or does like the others, but I will express my opinion although I live in a cave lol.
For me, a lot has changed and/or disappeared:
No more respect for privacy, nor the choices of artists
The video reminded me that because of this kind of behavior, artists leave social networks because it was no longer healthy for them. Now social media and mental health is a whole other debate.
But seriously, people who go looking for birth certificates of Sleep Token members to satisfy their curiosity or the almost daily harassment of others on social networks?! I understand it must be unbearable in the long run. Put yourself in their shoes for two minutes.
And let’s not talk either that everything you say can turn against you because you don’t have the same point of view on one event, etc. as the other.
Today, you have to censor yourself so you don’t have problems.
Because you’re going to talk about something with your opinion and people you don’t know at all for some are gonna feel targeted, triggered, hurt, and will categorize you as a bad person or an enemy.
I censor myself at times to avoid hurting people’s feelings. Although I try to be as authentic as possible.
Not to mention the angry fans about the artistic direction taken by some bands/artists.
Yet having different points of view doesn’t make you a bad person. This is what we call being humain and you can respect someone who doesn’t necessarily have the same way of thinking as you. The good and the bad are only a matter of perspective. We are not asking everyone to think the same way. It would be very boring otherwise.
And this allows me to transition to the second point:
Artists are humans like you and me!
Crazy right ?!
So iI find it funny when hundreds of people are upset because a band/artist cancels a show/tour. Or because at some point a singer sings less well at a concert, etc.
First, let’s face it, the first to be disgusted are the artists, in either of the two scenarios. But if it’s for their health, it’s the most important. Whether it’s physical or mental health. Is it me, or is there an obvious lack of empathy from fans at some points? Especially if it is someone you admire/adore, all the more reason for the person to take care of themselves.
However, there are adorable and incredible fans, full of empathy and kindness. And I would like to end this on a positive note as it must always be put forward from my point of view.

We are in a period of great musical freedom, which is a good thing in most cases. Artists are no longer restricted and can experiment as much as they want. Or not, everyone is free to do what they want. And that’s what’s great!
This is why some people currently use the name «modern metal» for metal created nowadays. That way, they don’t label artists too much anymore.
For rock, well it’s still rock, sorry guys.
So yes, the boundary between rock and metal is even more blurred than at the beginning. But isn’t the most important thing simply to love what you listen to?
Then there will always be people saying, “It was better before”. And that’s their choice.
On this blog, I continue to categorize so that I can direct you to what I am talking about. But from my point of view, I think it’s great to no longer correspond to a single thing.
Also, I hope that this place serves as a benevolent platform for the rock and metal scenes that sometimes lack. As I repeat and will repeat, everyone has their own opinions about life. This does not mean that we cannot respect each other and gather on what unites us.
That concludes this post!
Feel free to like and share it.
See you soon !
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